The By Now Totally Required "50 Shades of Grey" Post

I just read that the number one February release of all time, according to box office take, was Mel Gibson's 2004 "The Passion of the Christ."  And the Number 2 February release of all time?
"Fifty Shades of Grey."

So.  Let's agree, for the moment, that what America goes to see at the movies tells us something about who we are.  What does this little tidbit tell us?

Hmm... that we love God best and porn second best?

Nah.  Too simple.

That we've come a long way in a downwards direction in the past eleven years? I could believe that.  I mean, what with Average Barbie and all. 

That.. oh, let's see.  Women are bored with chocolate and roses?
 Yeah, that'll be the day.

The fact is, Desperate doesn't feel like speculating.  She is, in fact, 100% sure who is behind this thing, as I imagine my readers are too.  Put it this way:  he's the guy the "hero" of "The Passion of the Christ" defeated.

But even losers can rear their ugly little heads once in a while.  As FSoG pretty much proves.


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